Saturday, May 23, 2009

Please send your pink form back to school asap, so we can put up our assembly photos.
Thanks, Keri Rowe

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our Special Visitor

Today Ella learned that she could balance on the Bodyrocker at PMP. She enjoyed this.
Daniel learned to cross-over walk slowly and this helped him concentrate. Trinity and Josh have been making a cardboard lion for their reading activity. Beth learned about counting in 10s.
Geshvin has been learning how to do perfect ys in handwriting.
As you can see we have had a VERY BUSY day and are all tired and ready for home!!!

We have had Constable Rob Dekker in today talking about keeping safe. The most important thing we learned was that if we hurt someone when we are older, we can go to jail. Here are some photos of us listening carefully to a story that we were told.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Writing and News

Every Monday and Wenesday and Friday at 2.40pm we will be writing on our blogsite. Feel free to come in and watch us doing this.

Our song

Today we have been learning a new song called Haere Mai. We want to sing it in our assembly on Friday, so we are practising very hard.

Term 2

We have been doing a new developmental maths programme in Room 8 on Fridays. The children are having lots of fun and are using their knowledge of measurement and number during this time. Here are some pictures of the children making patterns and measuring using cubes. Come and have a look in our classroom at our display.